Devotional | Cliff Sanders | Feb 23, 2025

Living Securely

Living Securely

So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” John 8:28-29


As we begin a new year, it is common for us to think about new plans or goals for our lives. I would like to suggest something of a new plan or goal that can serve us in the coming year and perhaps for years to come. This plan, generally speaking, is to live our lives following Jesus. 

While a great start, this plan needs to be more specific in order to create change and provide a way to evaluate how we are indeed following Jesus. So, I offer three ways to follow Jesus in the new year—if not, in fact, to imitate his life for all our years—which are found in John 8.

In this chapter of John, Jesus is in dialogue with the religious leaders; he reveals his relationship with the Father and their failure to know the Father. The dialogue culminates in what I think are three aspects of Jesus’ life that make a great plan for living a life of following Jesus; they are how he relates to the Father.

In John 8:28-29, Jesus declares the following three truths about his life.

1. The Authority of Jesus’ Life
Jesus reveals that the authority of his life is what the Father taught him. Jesus’ life only declared what the Father taught and told him. How much is this true in our lives? Do we study God’s Word to the degree that we live on the authority of God’s Word and will? As we face a new year, we will be challenged to determine who is the authority in our lives as multiple sources seek to exert power in our lives and decisions.

2. The Security of Jesus’ Life
Jesus reveals the security of his life as he declares, “He who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone.” What a statement. Jesus was able to face opposition from the religious leaders and endure incredible suffering because he lived with a sense of security in his Father’s presence. I suggest the same can be true for us. If we live each day with a sense of God’s presence, we will find the strength to live securely.

This truth reminds me of the passage in Hebrews 13:5, where God tells us, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” (vs. 6). This passage uses two different terms to ensure the reader understands the certainty of God’s presence. In Greek, there are two terms used to indicate “no.” In this passage, both terms are used to enforce the sense of “never” or “ever.” In English, the adverb “never” means “at no time.” The adverb “ever” means “at any time.” So the Scriptures tell us that God will “at no time” desert us nor will he “at any time” desert us. I desire this kind of security in God’s presence as I enter the new year.

3. The Priority of Jesus’ Life
Jesus tells these religious leaders the priority of his life is to, “always do the things that are pleasing to him.” This means living to please God in every situation or, as a friend of mine says, “to put a smile on God’s face.” Life will be much less complicated if we prioritize pleasing God—in how we drive, how we respond to others, and a myriad of other ways as we live out our lives.


Which of the three are most needed in your life? Identify one, and consider the following to help you implement it in this new year.

  • Authority of God’s Word: watch How to Study the Bible to contribute to a new level of responding to God’s authority in your life. 
  • Security in God’s Presence: memorize Hebrews 13:5 for the new year.
  • Priority of Pleasing God: place the words “to please him” in a conspicuous place as a reminder to practice it every day.

Cliff Sanders
Director, School of Wesleyan Studies

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