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Day of the Week
Bible Study
For men of all ages
Bible study for women of all ages
Wednesday Nights
Cultivate your faith through women’s Bible study
For moms looking to grow in community
Single Adults
Single ladies of all ages gather for Bible study, discussion, and fellowship
For men of all ages.
Support & Recovery
CareSeries support group for those dealing with depression illness.
CareSeries support group for those dealing with divorce.
Support group for those dealing with grief
Support group for survivors of suicide
NAMI support group for family and friends of those dealing with depression and mental illness.
12 Step program for adults who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional homes.
12 Step program for those who desire to stop drinking and recover from alcoholism.
12 Step group for those who desire to recover from a gambling problem.
Sunday School
Young Adults
For adults ages 18-24
See how Daniel trusted in God and his faithfulness
For those considering adoption or foster care
For adults of all ages
Open to anyone interested in improving their family, romantic, or social relationships.
Explore how Christ’s story unfolds long before his earthly arrival
For women entering the world of singleness
Discover God’s pathway to growth, spiritual maturity, and healing
Senior Adults
For adults 55 and better
For those dealing with divorce
For those experiencing anxiety and worry
Christ-centered journey including study and discussion
Men’s Bible Study group at Old School Bagel
For caregivers of those with various forms and stages of Dementia
Learn from Scripture how God prepares us for our future.
For anyone who is curious about the Christian faith.
Combines fun military-style training with fitness
Designed to safely increase flexibility, balance, and range of motion
Designed to increase muscular strength, range of motion, and activities for daily living
Empowers men to fight porn and addiction
Romans is the most accurate and detailed explanation of the Gospel in the Bible.
For men who have found themselves entering the world of singleness
For adults of all ages; available in English and Spanish
For the woman who desires to deepen her relationship with the Lord
Designed with upbeat music to get your heart rate up, boost your cardio, and help burn off calories
For single adults
Men address common roadblocks to prayer
A safe space for women to grow, heal, and be supported by other women
For couples in their 20s and 30s
Investigate how Jesus fulfills these functions (reveal, represent, & rule) for us today
Discover how to change your habits
This study is an invitation to encounter the Holy Spirit personally.
Connect with others after the Wednesday night Venue class
For anyone curious about the Christian faith
Explore The Mindful Marriage book written by the JumpStart 2025 speakers.
Gather with others to pray for Sunday services.
For adults in their 60s and better
For single adults in their 60s and better
For ages 50s and better
For couples in their 30s to 50s
For adults in their 50s and better
For all ages, special needs
For ages 30s and 40s
For adults in their 40s-50s
For single moms of all ages
For young adults in their 20s and 30s
For couples in their 30s and 40s
For couples in their 20s to 40s
For single adults in their 50s and better
For adults ages 50s and better
For women in their 50s and better
For adults ages 60s and better
For single adults in their 50s and 60s
For single adults in their 40s and 50s
For singles in their 30s and 40s
For those in their 40s and 50s
For formerly incarcerated people
For those in their 40’s and 50’s
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