Due to inclement weather, all Crossings locations are closed and all activities are cancelled through Wednesday, February 19. The Club will not meet Thursday, February 20.

Kids Sunday Serve

Crossings Kids, wear your pajamas to church and come ready to serve on Sunday, December 19 for Kids Sunday Serve!

Crossings Kids are encouraged to wear their pajamas to church on Sunday, December 19 for our Sunday Serve! During both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services, kids will work with their Sunday School class to assemble overnight bags for City Cares, an emergency night shelter.

Crossings Kids will also collect donations of pajamas for the City Cares Night Shelter. If you want to donate, please send your child to church with an extra pair of pajamas!

We look forward to serving with your kids!

Crossings Edmond: Birth-6th grade

Crossings OKC: Birth-4th grade

With Your Family, Small Group, or Sunday School Class:
  • Serve in your home/small group/Sunday School class.
  • Write notes of encouragement to children and adults.
  • Prepare meals to freeze for emergency needs.

Instructions, stationery, meal containers, and labels are provided by Crossings.

Donate Items:
  • Travel size toiletries for children and adults—toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, comb, brush, deodorant, body soap
  • Children’s underwear, pajamas
  • Individually-packaged breakfast rolls/danishes

Drop off donations at Crossings OKC (14600 N. Portland Ave. - main office) or Crossings Community Center (10255 N. Penn.).

One-Time Service Opportunities On-Site
  • Take and serve a dinner meal, provide breakfast donuts/coffee, or bring a board game to play. Adults only; small group (5-7 people).
  • Guest Check In/Check Out: Help guests check their belongings in and back out each night and each following morning. The goal here is connection.
  • Pet Hotel Coordinators: Furry friends need attention, too. Pet hotel coordinators will check pets in, oversee the bathing station for guests to groom their animals, restock food, fill water, and check pets back out to their correct owners in the morning.

Shifts are from 6-8:00 a.m. and 5:30-7:30 p.m. If you would like to volunteer at the shelter, contact Amy with City Care at amyg@citycareokc.org with your preferred assignment and shift.