Students 912 Girls Overnighter

Crossings OKC 9th-12th grade girls spend the night at the church and enjoy games, food, and crafts!
Students 912 Girls Overnighter

Crossings OKC | 3rd Floor

Apr 4 8:00 PM

Registration Cost: $10.00

Angie McDowell


Angie McDowell

Student Ministries Coordinator

OKC 9th-12th grade girls are invited to the 912 Girls Overnighter on Friday, April 4 at 8:00 p.m. to Saturday, April 5 at 7:00 a.m.! Girls will spend the evening on the third floor enjoying games, food, crafts, and time with friends.

Cost is $10 and includes dinner, snacks, light breakfast, and craft supplies.