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For Women
Mom’s and Women’s Bible studies are available throughout the year to provide a community of fellow believers who explore Scripture together.
Bible Study
Bible study for women of all ages
Wednesday Nights
Cultivate your faith through women’s Bible study
For moms looking to grow in community
Single Adults
Single ladies of all ages gather for Bible study, discussion, and fellowship
Support & Recovery
For women entering the world of singleness
For the woman who desires to deepen her relationship with the Lord
A safe space for women to grow, heal, and be supported by other women
Sunday School
For single moms of all ages
For women in their 50s and better
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Crossings Women's Ministry
Crossings Women | Crossings OKC
Pastor, Women's Ministry - OKC
Crossings Women | Crossings Edmond
Associate Location Pastor - Edmond
Crossings Women | Crossings Community Center
Women’s Bible studies are available throughout the year to provide a community of fellow believers who explore Scripture together.
Associate Pastor - Community Center
Crossings Women | Crossings Mayfair
Women's Bible studies provide a place for women to find a community of fellow believers who explore Scripture together.
Mayfair Location Associate Pastor
These series, taught by Crossings Women Teaching Team, are meant to encourage and inspire women in their faith journeys.
This teaching is a continuation of So Loved, a study of John 3:16.
"For God so loved the world" is a very popular bible verse. But what does it mean?
Grow your personal faith in the rich soil of God’s word, nurture your dependence on Jesus, and flourish in the fullness of the Spirit as you explore Life on the Vine.