Due to inclement weather, all Crossings locations are closed and all activities are cancelled through Wednesday, February 19. The Club will not meet Thursday, February 20.

2023 Recap

Dollar Club | Feb 20, 2024

Crossings Family,

Thanks to your faithful generosity, the Dollar Club was able to donate $98,000 in 2023 to 17 different organizations! We are very grateful for your selfless giving and the impact you continue to make in our community. Continue reading to learn more about the 2023 Dollar Club recipients.

Team Hoyt Oklahoma

The Hoyt Foundation aspires to build the individual character, self-confidence, and self-esteem of America’s disabled young people through inclusion in all facets of daily life, including family and community activities, especially sports, at home, in schools, and in the workplace.

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Exchange Avenue Baptist Church-Homeless Ministry

On the third Monday of every month, Exchange Avenue Baptist Church hosts a food pantry to provide free food, clothing, and more to the surrounding community. The Dollar Club was happy to donate to this ministry that is supporting the homeless in our community.

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City Night of Worship - UNITE 2023

City Night of Worship (CNOW) provides community, unites believers, and builds bridges for worshipers within multi-generations, denominations, and cultures to transform cities for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ. On Sunday, September 17, CNOW hosted UNITE 2023, a free event in Scissortail Park. This evening included worship and speakers from different churches across the Oklahoma metropolitan area. This is a wonderful evening that shows our city what the Church can do when we work together.

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111 Project

The Dollar Club gave funds to 111 Project twice in 2023. The first donation allowed them to donate tickets to 52 pastors across the state for the upcoming Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit at Crossings OKC. These donations allowed pastors who may not have been able to afford traveling or summit tickets to attend and take back a wealth of knowledge to their communities.

The second donation supported their Build-a-Bunk project. 111Project partnered with local Oklahoma churches and S.O.U.L. Mission, the University of Oklahoma’s football player development program, to provide 250 bunk beds for children involved in child welfare across the State of Oklahoma. The players prepared 250 bunk beds to be shipped to church partners in every region in Oklahoma. The Dollar Club funds helped to provide mattresses for these bunk beds that churches will be able to use when responding to local requests for beds in their community through 111Project’s CarePortal.

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Women who are coming out of difficult life situations such as chemical dependency, justice involvement, human trafficking, and domestic violence can find support and community with Branch15. This incredible organization is inspired by John 15:15 and aims to provide a Christ-centered community to women who are on the journey to wholeness and sustainable living.

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FaithWorks of the Inner City

FaithWorks of the Inner City seeks to transform the future of one of the poorest and most violent communities in our state by empowering the community surrounding the Shidler-Wheeler neighborhood with educational opportunities for three distinct groups: three-year-olds, teenagers, and parents. While Shidler Elementary has closed its doors, FaithWorks has opened Shilder SantaFe Charter School to allow students to continue attending school in their neighborhood.

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Jubilee Partners

Jubilee Partners are dedicated to the support of at-risk youth in Central Oklahoma by providing them with opportunities to further their education, build healthy relationships, and develop life skills. They have locations in OKC and Wellston where they provide programs for pre-k to high school students.

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On Eagles’ Wings

On Eagles' Wings is a movement of hope in Native America. Led by Native young people from dozens of tribes across North America, they desire to be the hope they want to see in their communities. Each member of the On Eagles’ Wings team found hope through a personal relationship with Jesus and wants to empower and equip Native and First Nations young people to lead the way in bringing hope and healing to their communities. 

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Bridge Impact Center

The Bridge Impact Center believes the next generation is the greatest opportunity, so they strategically focus efforts on educating, equipping, and empowering tomorrow's future through our youth. They strive to create environments that positively impact youth, families, and neighborhoods in traditionally under-represented communities through mentoring, tutoring, college & career preparations, financial literacy, the arts, and community partnerships. 

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Focus on Home

Focus on Home works with families who are on their own personal journey to a better life situation and provides them with gently used furniture, an allocated $500 (goes towards new items to fill gaps in the donations), and each family member receives a brand new bed. They also provide volunteers to help move the furniture and set up each family’s new home.

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Sacred Heart Ministries  

This inmate-led ministry at Joseph Harp Correctional Center creates a space for discipleship and accountability amongst inmates.

Savannah Station

Savannah Station Therapeutic Riding Program—a nonprofit therapeutic riding facility located in Yukon, Oklahoma—has been changing lives for people with disabilities since 2013. They exist to be a community of humans and horses ministering fully to individuals and families, assisting them to overcome life’s limitations, to gain social and emotional confidence, and defy disabilities and challenges, while building families and friendships.

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Safe Families

Safe Families is one of Crossings local mission partners, and on Sunday, December 10, 9th-12th graders from Crossings OKC hosted a Christmas party for the families who walk alongside at-risk children and parents in need. At this party, the Dollar Club presented each host family with a gift card to help purchase gifts for the children in their care this Christmas.

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Monroe Elementary

Monroe Elementary is the Crossings Mayfair partner school, and the Dollar Club provided lunch and gift cards for each teacher as a thank you for their hard work and dedication to each child in their classrooms.

Donors Choose

The Dollar Club went to the Donors Choose website and purchased classroom supplies for all of our partner schools. Teachers are responsible for purchasing all items for their classrooms, and Donors Choose allows them to make a wish list that anyone can view and choose to purchase items from. These items help enhance each student’s learning experience.

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Caring Cradles for Mercy

The Dollar Club donated two Caring Cradles to Mercy Hospital. A Caring Cradle offers a more dignified, comfortable way for parents and families to spend time with their baby immediately after loss. 
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Thank you, Crossings Family, for continuing to give your dollar bills to benefit organizations and ministries in our community.

Wondering how you can give to the Dollar Club? Put your loose one dollar bills into the offering plate on a Sunday morning! All loose one dollar bills are given to the Dollar Club to help support local ministries and organizations.